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Please be advised that there are currently significant Customs Processing Delays at JFK, NY and Newark, NJ ports of entry.

Please understand that these delays are outside our control—We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience encountered. Please consider ordering in advance to allow for longer than usual delays.

We are pleased to inform you that regular cargo services have resumed with Fiji Airways from Port Vila and transit via Sydney, AU on Qantas Airlines. Due to the recent voluntary liquidation of Air Vanuatu, all shipments were significantly delayed. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding while all services work promptly to clear the backlog. We would like to further assist you with any questions you may have. You can contact our customer services team through the contact form on our website, by email, or by telephone. Thank you again for your patience and understanding.

Shipping delays due to Covid-19 Virus

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Our Antifungal class or Dental-Oral health medications include oral and topical antifungals used to treat fungal infection of the mouth, such as thrush that can cause bleeding and discomfort. <br/><br/>

Use the search feature to quickly find the product you are looking for, by entering either the active ingredient, e.g. Miconazole or the product name, e.g. Daktarin Oral Gel <br/><br/> 

What is thrush?

Oral thrush is caused by the yeast fungus candida albicans, which is normally present in small amounts on the mucus membranes of the mouth and tongue.  However, under certain conditions this fungus can become overgrown and form white patches in the mouth and throat.  These patches are colonies of candida and can produce a cottony feel in the mouth, which can affect taste and also cause the underlying tissues to become inflamed and to bleed, causing discomfort and sometimes, difficulty swallowing.

Thrush is common in in conditions like diabetes and in those who are immunocompromised such as with cancer or HIV/AIDS; also prolonged use of antibiotics or drugs like corticosteroids can allow the yeast to thrive and grow resulting in a thrush infection.  

Use of antifungals

Oral thrush can be treated by use of topical and oral antifungals.  These include:

  • Topical gel containing miconazole that can be applied directly to the site of infection
  • Oral drops containing nystatin
  • Oral tablets/capsules to treat the fungal infection systemically, including the antifungals fluconazole, Itracomazole and nystatin 
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